Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mmm. Pastels.

Practicing using pastels. I made this for my aunt who is so wonderful that she is meant to live somewhere that looks enchanted.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Recently Watched

I've been watching a lot of Netflix lately. Here's what's been on my recently watched list:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Cruel Intentions
Lemonade Mouth
Geek Charming
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Drop Dead Diva
Stargate SG-1
The Good Witch
Doctor Horrible
The Guild
Arrested Development
Fraggle Rock
Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior
Being Human

And that is a culmination of what's been causing me to procrastinate. That and I really really want to finally get through all of Buffy. I just got to season 5. Woo!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Those who know me are pretty much aware that I'm not very well versed in politics or follow any of the going-ons of blah blah blah political parties. I know this lack of information can hinder my ability to make sound judgements on these things. However, I think a bit of common sense needs to be reintroduced into our country and perhaps we, as a united people, should stop focusing on what can't possibly be handled magically overnight and instead turn to the issues that, more or less, can be.
Jeez, I think I'm a liberal. What's a liberal again? WHY ARE THERE ALL THESE SILLY LABELS?! Oh right, it's so we can go down the list checking anything marked with a D or R. Makes it easy to not have to pay attention, right?
ANYWAY, back on subject.
Today I crawled out of my cave and read a lovely little article on Politico http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0512/76190.html . (Also, I think GOP is a stupid, outdated acronym but whatever. ) Here are my thoughts:
1) Obama, thanks for finally having some balls and telling people you are OK with gay marriage. You're awesome and ILU. The article says that he doesn't seem to be saying more on the subject or using it as a campaign thing or whatever. Which is great. Because it shouldn't have to be something used to win votes. A man and another man or a woman and another woman should be allowed to get married and have that marriage recognized in whatever state they are in.
2) I love how this election is primarily focused on budget and economic concerns. Makes sense. Our economy is still completely screwed up. Banks are still kicking people out of their homes, then turning around and selling the house to some cash buyer who then turns around and rents it out. Jobs are still being cut and sent overseas. In another article I read, teachers with PhDs are on food stamps. I can see why this would concern a lot of people. Hey, kids, I have to let you in on a secret. This economic crisis? It's been coming for a LONG TIME. Really, it's not Obama's fault. He's been trying to fix things. You can't sit in a presidential office and NOT try to fix things. (I am fully aware that there are a few exceptions to this but Obama isn't one of them.)
But you know what?
It took DECADES to get us in this fix. Decades of not noticing problems and stopping them before total meltdown. It's not something than can be corrected and wiped away in one presidential term. If it could, they would have figured it out and done it.
So I admire everyone for saying "yeah, our primary concern is fixing the fact we have no money". Budget cuts aren't going to fix things though. It's just going to make someone else unhappy and out of a job. Not to mention things get more expensive yearly. If we cut a ton of money out, where would we be? Still broke because that hole we are in, is pretty much dug down to the pits of Hades at this point. There's really no coming back any time soon.
Creating jobs, that's where things might look up. But once again, major companies keep outsourcing the work overseas. The ones that could actually afford to hire more people are letting them go. A lot of people are milking the unemployment system for all it's worth. A lot of the mentality there is "well, I could get a job with so and so company but they'll probably just lay me off before the 3 month probationary period is over so what's the point?" I don't blame them. A lot of the companies are scummy and scammy. A lot of the companies are only hiring people currently employed. So really, what is the point?
3) My point. My point is this: there's a lot of issues with this election. A lot of them are insurmountable at the present moment but something that definitely needs worked towards. But a lot of them are very much resolvable.
Like gay marriage. Seriously guys, let whomever wants to get married get married already. There's much bigger problems in the world. Besides, all the gay couples getting married once it passes (and trust me, if it doesn't pass now it will pass eventually. Maybe not 10 or 20 years from now but eventually, in all states, everyone will be treated as equals. So let's just say yes already) will stimulate the economy with more WEDDINGS. Weddings aren't cheap. There's lots of types of companies and vendors involved. Hey, economic boost!!
Next, the ever popular discussion of women's rights and birth control.
Seriously? As a woman I feel I am entitled to say what happens in my uterus. And birth control should be provided free of charge to any woman over the age of 18. Less babies = less mouths to feed = less cash assistance to people = more money for other things.
Cost of birth control < Cost of baby.
4) So there are two issues that should be resolved rather quickly in states and all that or wherever it needs to be resolved. Then they can spend all their time and resources on other things. It's kind of lame that the same issues keep popping up year after year.
OH! WAIT! #5) Hey guys, I seem to remember reading something about separation of church and state in my American History & Economics class. Was that a myth?

* * *
And on that note, I'm done. I'm tired. I'm not going to bother listening to stupid political crap until about a week before I need to go vote. Then I'll just use the internet and cram.
If we stopped political campaigns I think a lot of people wouldn't need so much blood pressure medication...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Words Spew and Brains Mush

I've decided to set a 10,000 words a week goal for writing my novel. This was the first week. I am sad to say the goal did not get met. However, I was only 3000 off. Which means I DID more than double the amount of words I had previously written for the book. Words that had taken me months to write. So I do feel some great sense of accomplishment. I just need to buckle down and write more often. Play less Tera. Etc. 
The writing itself isn't that hard to do. Most of the story is developed in my head and I'm finding it unfolding better than I had hoped for. I just spent about an hour writing and got 1000 words done. I can write 1000 words faster than I can gain a level in an MMO. Fuck you WoW, I could have had a dekalogy by now! Or at least an octalogy. Or quadalogy. You get my point. (Trilogies are for the weak! THE WEAK!... just kidding...)
Anyway, so this novel/book/thing... Lichgate. If all goes well it should be completed, edited, and trying to find a home with a publisher by September this year. 
Fingers. Are. Crossed.
And now... bed time.