Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cider and Milestones

Today marks the day where I am officially 1/5th of the way done with my novel. As in, 1/5th of the 50k word goal for Nanowrimo has been met.

That's fucking awesome. This is easily the longest story I've managed to write. Normally I get to 5k and either end up bored with it myself or scared to put more effort into it. I'm a short story kind of girl. I like to get my thoughts expressed concisely.

Then again, maybe I haven't yet found a character worth more than a measly 5k.

This character though, is definitely worth it. At this 10k mark I feel like I haven't even gotten to really delve into what makes her amazing. Which is good. Instead of just water ballooning the reader in the face with it, I'm digging up fossils.

How do I feel at this milestone? Good. Really good. And excited but nervous for the rest of it.

What am I drinking to celebrate? Fox Barrel's Blackberry Pear Cider.

It's delicious.

How can you say no to delicious?

PS- Everyone should watch Wonderfalls. Everyone should also watch Red Dwarf. This has been your PSA for the night.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Nanowrimo weekend writing supplies:

6 pack of Angry Orchard Apple Ginger Cider
Bottle of Jack Daniels
2 packages of Keurig Starbucks coffee Breakfast Blend
Leftover Halloween candy
Software to block myself from Facebook


Friday, November 2, 2012

Possibly the most confusing abbreviation ever

Guess what?! It's NOVEMBER! And that means its National Novel Writing Month. Or, as its fondly known, Nanowrimo. I found out about this around July this year and have been incredibly excited to get to November so I can start writing for it.
To participate, all you have to do is write. To win, all you have to do is write a novel of 50k words or more all within the month of November. A challenge indeed!
So time to stop being lazy and WRITE. I'll try to keep track of my progress on here a bit and I've joined the Ft. Lauderdale regional forum group for it on the Nanowrimo site.
If you want more information the official site is
I encourage everyone to sign up and participate!